+27 21 887 9288


Timber Log Scanning System

TF Design | Thermodynamics Fluids & Design | Green Energy

Client : Various

Date: 2010

TF Design is the leading company for the design and supply of log scanning systems to the South African timber industry. Since the first scanning system was installed in 1998, TFD continuously improved the capabilities and reliability of the system.

The TFD scanning system can provide the following advantages to a client:

  • Accurate determination of total log volume.
  • Determination of log mix and class determination.
  • Determination of log taper and comparison between forestry (Safcol) volume and actual volume.
  • Log sorting according to user determined scan classes.
  • Rejection of logs that exceed sweep, crook and butt end tolerances.

The robust scanning system offered by TF Design is a valuable tool to optimise the use of raw material in the timber industry.